How to achieve a happy retirement

Key takeaways Tips on how to have an enjoyable and fulfilling retirement, including maintaining your physical and mental wellbeing, budgeting for the retirement you want, and pursuing interests you’ve always wanted to but haven’t had the time. Retirement – it’s a word that sparks dreams of leisure, travel, and freedom from the daily grind. But … Read more

Four timeless principles for investing success

Investing success can mean different things to different people. Being clear on what success means for you is key to mapping out your plan. Although investing can seem perplexing and complex, success is largely within your control. Having a tailored investment strategy can go a long way to reducing the stress and noise associated with … Read more

Understanding the new $3m super tax

The much debated tax on superannuation balances over $3 million is inching closer and those who may be affected should ensure they have considered the implications. Although it is not yet law, the Division 296 tax should be taken into account when it comes to investment strategy and planning, particular in relation to any end-of-financial-year … Read more

The one thing in investing you can control

You can’t control what happens on financial markets. But you can control one factor to improve your returns. When it comes to investing, there are things you can never control and things that you can. You can’t control what happens on financial markets on a day-to-day basis or the market returns from your specific investments. … Read more

A simple way to retire earlier

Using a fundamental investing principle could help many Australians bring their retirement forward. It’s simple investing mathematics really. The more money you can save in investing fees, the more of your total returns you ultimately get to keep in your pocket. In actual fact, investment fees (management and administrative fees, commissions and other costs) are … Read more

Avoiding potential pitfalls with investing

Investing is one of the best ways to build your wealth, and while it isn’t brain surgery, you do need some level of knowledge and experience to make consistently good decisions. Because let’s face it, making money is more enjoyable than losing it! Whether you’re new to investing or already familiar, here’s some of the … Read more

Combat cost-of-living hikes and keep saving

Cost of living pressures coupled with rate rises have made it more difficult to save for a home deposit and afford the lifestyle you’ve either become accustomed to or are dreaming of. Budget Direct’s Cost of Living Survey & Statistics 2023 found that despite the living cost index for employee households recording its largest quarterly … Read more

How to build wealth in your 30s

Key takeaways Keeping track of your expenses versus income can help identify possible savings to pay off debt Investing with a long-term plan means you’re less likely to be affected by short-term market fluctuations Adding more to your super on a regular basis offers tax benefits in addition to improving your retirement. To all the … Read more

Investing mistakes to avoid

Investing successfully and improving your investment portfolio can be as much about minimising mistakes as trying to pick the ‘next big thing’. It’s all about taking a calm and considered approach and not blindly following trends or hot tips. Let’s delve into some of the most prevalent investment mistakes and look at the principles that … Read more

Self-managed super fund (SMSF)

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a private super fund that you manage yourself. SMSFs are different to industry and retail super funds. When you manage your own super, you put the money you would normally put in a retail or industry super fund into your own SMSF. You choose the investments and the insurance. … Read more