Am I eligible for the Age Pension?

Key takeaways The various financial factors taken into consideration by the government when determining your eligibility for the Age Pension, such as income, savings, and assets. The residency criteria for Age Pension eligibility. The various ways in which you can lodge a claim for the Age Pension. There’s one topic that concerns many of us … Read more

Super withdrawal options

Conditions of release of super The conditions of release that must be satisfied for legal superannuation withdrawals. You can withdraw your super when you: turn 65 (even if you haven’t retired) reach preservation age and retire or start a transition to retirement income stream while continuing to work satisfy an early access requirement. Retirement means you have ceased gainful employment either: … Read more

How to bucket your money and save

Bucketing is a smart way to manage your money without complicated budgets or spreadsheets. The idea is to set up multiple bank accounts called ‘buckets’ and use each one for a specific purpose, like bills, savings or entertainment. Once your buckets are set up, it’s easier to see and control how you spend and save … Read more

Returning to work after retirement

Employers are desperate for workers and cost of living pressures are making it tough to live on a pension. That’s a perfect mix of conditions to send some retirees back to work. But it’s smart to get good advice before you take the leap. With unemployment rates at historic lows and employers facing a shortage … Read more

Sending money overseas

Look for a good currency exchange rate and check the fees when sending money overseas. A small difference can mean more money gets to your family or friend. Types of overseas money transfers Money transfer company A money transfer company is usually the cheapest way to get money to someone overseas. The company can either … Read more

The super moves you should make today

Key takeaways How to minimise super fees and insurance contributions How to boost your super while reducing your tax obligations The resources available to manage and track your super How often do you think about your super? Is it something you check on regularly? It should be! Your super is your ticket to a comfortable … Read more

Aged care challenges in the home

Aging at home with government-subsidised funding is made possible through the Home Care Packages program. However, a crackdown on what the funds can be used for and a shortage of support workers, can make it challenging to understand the funding available. If you are approved for a Home Care Package you will be assessed at … Read more

Financial health check: The five stages to keep on top of your money management

Key takeaways The fundamentals of money management, including goal setting, budgeting, debt prioritisation, and investing for the future. What to do to help ensure your financial goals are not derailed, such as setting up an emergency fund.  In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of our financial … Read more

Catch up on super to boost retirement savings

Catch up on your super If you’ve had an irregular or interrupted income in the past, you might’ve missed out on opportunities to contribute to super. If you don’t fully utilise your concessional cap, and you’re eligible, you may be able to make ‘catch up’ on concessional contributions. What is a ‘catch-up’ concessional contribution? It used … Read more

Borrowing to invest

Borrowing to invest, also known as gearing or leverage, is a risky business. While you get bigger returns when markets go up, it leads to larger losses when markets fall. You still have to repay the investment loan and interest, even if your investment falls in value. Borrowing to invest is a high-risk strategy for … Read more